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04 December 2011


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Albert Leung

Great posting!


Thanks Albert! Where are you these days?

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his biggest fans and now supplying Tokyo’s Monocle Café with his coffees. Omotesando Koffee was his pet project to test out new innovative ways of serving coffee. Mr. Kunitomo came across the owner of this 60 year-old house and persuaded him to let him use it as a mobile coffee kiosk.

“A kiosk is the perfect form. Not only is the space cost-effective so that I can focus my efforts on the quality of the coffee, it also allows for intimate, personalized attention to our customers. I can also easily move this kiosk to a new location from time to time,” says Mr. Kunitomo. However, this space has since proved so popular with locals and expats alike that Mr. Kunitomo has persuaded the house owner to let him stay and allow the rest of the house to be used as a museum exhibiting rare books.

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